In the Name of the Cosmos

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Full Moon in Capricorn in Śravaṇa Nakshatra

Beaming with brightness coming close to the earth, the Moon reaches its peak fullness at 15° of Capricorn in Śravaṇa nakshatra. A star field ruled by Vishnu a place deeply connected with Shiva, transporting a message of contemplation. To listen with the ears of the heart, to wake up and stop sleeping. Our mind when it's in its resting state becomes pure, the Atma Jyoti illuminating the Manas.

Capricorn is the feminine reflective quality of Saturn where we feel emotionally and experience it psychologically. The resource that Capricorn gives to the Moon is the capacity to face what we need to, and the endurance to withstand the challenges and fears we must face on our path.

Śravaṇa nakshatra is a star of making connections through learning and listening to hear the truth and have it merge with silence. Ruled by Vishnu, the one who is everything and is everywhere, it is easy to see why its associated with movement and the transference of information, as it was through Vishnu’s very breath and sound that the Vedas were created

The last new moon cycle carried tension and turning, repeating and re-doing. Now we are being taught to stabilise our inner structure, by listening to our heart so that we may receive, bringing our awareness to our origin, our source, our Jyoti so we may connect with what is eternal and true.

With retrograde Venus 8th from the Moon and retrograde Saturn 2nd from the Moon, an emphasis is placed on what is valuable to us.

It's a good time to be introspective, observing what is awakening and what needs to be let go, give this energy space to take hold, try not to talk excessively, and just be present. It is in our own sacred silence that we hear our spirit call.

I send you love and luck with the Full Moon cycle


The summer season holds potent energy and a sense of potential for growth and exploration. If you are seeking deeper insight into your unique aspects and planetary cycles, book a reading with me can bring valuable tools for gaining clarity and guidance.