In the Name of the Cosmos

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Engaged Attention Mercury Direct May 14th

In the place of our engaged attention, Mercury the planet of communication, commerce, intellect, travel and transit resumes its forward motion on May 14th at 11° of Aries.

Coming out of its retrograde Mercury remains in the embrace of Rahu and Jupiter, keeping Mercury on high alert. Creating spirited tension in the atmosphere. Stretching our nervous systems, minds and hearts on the roller coaster ride of our adaptability.  

With Mercury under expanded fire until early June, it’s wise to slow down and think things through before making sudden moves. Mercury is gaining great insight and experience from its connection to Rahu and Jupiter and when it enters into Taurus on the 7th of June its seeds can be planted.

As we turn the page of our new chapter,  we can take hold of its energy and embody its fire of transformation, moving its power through our channels to ignite change. Breaking with the past, the dis-ease of our soul, shedding our old skins taking with us valuable understanding. Walk peacefully on the earth and get to know your inner authority by deepening your relationship with the nature of the divine and its creative force. See what the fire of Aires is illuminating for you through the communication of lord Mercury.  Agni always wants awareness and Mercury wants to befriend.

We are still in the density of the eclipse season. Rahu and Jupiter continue to come closer with each day, exacting at 8°on the 26th very close to the eclipse degree of April, the build-up is noticeable and potentially tumultuous.

It’s a time to go deep, to learn, to question, to experience and develop. The pace is not going to slow down, our Shakti is born out of a challenge to expand to experience greatness beyond our perceived limitations. The opportunity to exercise our strength and witness our uprising spirit.

It’s a potent time to move your body and not your mouth to clear and strengthen your nervous system and direct your emotions using it as a channel to engage with the divine. Make powerful prayers and dynamic movements, feeling your lineage with your every step, blessed, hear the thunder of their footsteps with you and their perfumed breath on your skin.

I wish you infinite blessings with the transit of Mercury 

Siri Prakash

Feeling challenged? Need some direction? It’s a great time to book a reading and see how you can use the potency of the energy of the planets for optimal results.