In the Name of the Cosmos

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Nakshatra Series

I wanted to share with you the deeper meanings of each Nakshatra in a new series but to start we must first understand what the Lunar Mansions and Nakshatra are.

Lunar mansions are divisions of space based on the Moons orbit intersected by the Sun shorter orbit creating 27 lunar houses. 

Both the the Sun houses (12) the lunar houses (27) both look at the same space they just have different perspectives, one is from the Sun- our soul, our ego, our vitality. The Moon is our manas the repository of our mind, its our desire, our wants and our needs. 

The Sun and the Moon are a team that work together just as our thoughts, feelings and desire are intimately connected with how we act and what we do. It is impossible to separate them. 

Each of the 27 lunar houses is ruled by a diety’s giving each Nakshatras very special and unique resources for the planets and rising sign placed within its segment. 

In Vedic Astrology the Nakshatras are the core foundation, with it first reference in the Rig Veda. Nakshatras reveal a treasure of wisdom and knowledge to help us to understand the core of our nature as seen in our birth chart and with behaviour of the transiting planets.

The Moons version of space so juicy and rich and has much to teach us.

I will post each week a new Nakshatra sharing its key meanings, I hope your will enjoy the series and learn something more about your nature.

Keep reaching for the stars
Siri Prakash