Krittika Ignition


The third of the 27 nakshatras Krittika cosmic address is 26.40° to 10.00° Taurus ruled by the devata’s  Agni, the god of fire and Karttikeya, the God of war, the son of Lord Shiva himself.

Located in the field of Pleiades Krittika is contains a tremendous amount of potential  within it’s fiery constellation igniting the energy required for all creation process, it is the spark of life. Illuminating and transforming  Krittika cuts through and purifies whatever is in its path, what is not clear revealing the very purest of essence.

Krittika is a mixed Nakshatra it’s piercing and unsympathetic as well as nourishing and comforting, within this lunar field lies a power to provide enormous vitality, courage and strength, however if its power is not utilized properly, the consequence can be harsh and intense.

At its best Krittika is an activator, awakening the inner fire of passion, enthusiasm and determination dispelling darkness to reach the deepest truth. It is star field filled with intensity and creative energy, containing the fuel to power our vital energy.

People with prominent Krittika nakshatra can have a sharp and cutting wit and are often sarcastic and critical, yet very protective in their nature.  They are quick and insightful, and grasp things quickly and won’t hesitate to tell you what’s on their mind.

Destructive tendencies of people with prominent Krittika nakshatra often have a disposition for anger and stubborness and be a bit combative nature and be down right  unreasonable at times.

Importantly is to understand is that Krittika exemplifies sun’s anger rather than Mar’s anger. Sun’s anger doesn’t last for very long, while Mar’s anger lingers on with an avenging attitude.

Planets in Krittika कृत्तिका

Sun in Krittika - Is strong and authoritative  can create a Spiritual warrior, disciplined, great leadership skills and has issues with authority figures, and potentially an angry temperament destructive.

Moon- The soft element of the moon is not as comfortable on the Aires side of Krittika, can make a emotional and reactive as Krittika fill her with fiery and fast energy. On the Taurus side the Moon is exalted at 3° Taurus and it does much better, however both sides the person can be a bit needy and needing a lot of attention. They can suffer from insomnia and have issues with blood pressure

Mars- gives a commanding appearance, can be argumentative, good at precision often you see surgeons and scientists, also people with careers that need skill with sharp objects including hairdressers

Mercury in Krittika Nakshatra does well here, Mercury can take the heat since it travels often with the Sun, under Krittika it makes for a sharp mind and intellect, good in finances and social services. It also makes for good business people.

Jupiter in Krittika Nakshatra  promotes higher learning more a mystic and often gives the ability of a seer, it gives an interest in history and literature, brings wealth and integrity.

Venus- artistic and creative in nature, passionate, magnetic personality interested in music, fashion and fine arts.

Saturn-Saturn is not comfortable in the star of Sun, the Sun and Saturn are enemies , can be an inpatient and create a lot of frustrations

Rahu in Krittika Nakshatra is not happy in the star of Sun as Rahu is the enemy of the Sun. It gives effects of  hidden side especially with their caring, nurturing and emotional side under hard and rough exterior. But they like to support people around them with their warmth, independence and will power.

Ketu in Krittika Nakshatra Ketu  feels uncomfortable with its inherent materialism, seeing this as the result of wrong choices.

Krittka is related to the hips, Loins and the Crown of the Head (Upper and Back Portions of the Head

Where is your Krittika in your chart to find out book a reading  📩 email or on my  'Book A Reading Page' on my website. 

Keep reaching for the stars

Siri Prakash