The Highest Highs and the Highest Lows Tips for Saturn Challenges

Many clients have reached out to me feeling challenged and I recognised a similar influence in their charts. The dreaded Saturn.

I wanted to offer you some tips, to help you develop skills in working with one of the toughest planets and planetary cycles.  To help you understand your ‘’lessons from Saturn’’ and where he is asking you to change your karma. Which simply means results of action.

Saturn is the ultimate planetary energy we are all navigating. He is usually not at the top of our guest list we invite to a gathering yet he always arrives on time. What is not typically understood or even conveyed is that he is a planet we can affect the most change in our charts.

Disappointment and dissatisfaction are characteristics often associated with Saturn. It is a bittersweet planet teaching humility, gratitude, endurance, and restraint. The Moon and Venus in our charts desire immediate satisfaction and Saturn is invested in the long-term.

This is where many of us get stuck. Caught in the conflict between what we want now and what we truly desire. What we are willing to work for and what we are not. This is where the pain, pressure and separation begin.

Saturn’s goal is not to steal our joy. Rather he teaches us how to produce joy within ourselves. Reminding us there is something greater at work we can immediately tap into. That if we are not moved enough we don’t move.

Saturn's position in our chart helps us to rediscover who we are by merging us with what we value. His Dasha (planetary cycle) and transit activate these lessons. He will exhaust us if necessary until we learn it.

So How can we work best with the challenging energy of Saturn?

  1. Get to know your engine, the driving force - With absolute honesty and regardless of anyone else ask yourself - what moves you?  What is your biggest desire?  What brings you joy and makes you feel connected? If you desire more discipline Saturn will not give you discipline, that the Sun or Mars. Saturn is the one, the divine energy and element within us that decides what is worth the value of effort. Saturn is the measurement.

    Know what you love and what you value. It can start with the simplest thing. The more clear we are the more potent our answer becomes, it touches our hearts and moves us. Don't judge it at first, it takes practice the first step is just to get to know it. Then FEEL IT.

  2. Get to know your undercurrent, the driver-  Get to know whose hands are on the wheel. Is it fear? Is it self-doubt?  For example: Where are you harbouring self-doubt right now? How are you judging yourself, and if so, where is it showing up in your work and relationships? Saturn opens the hood of our vehicle to let it all hang out. Saturn gets us to pause and look at the condition, he begins to pollute and then creates friction and restriction when we are in need of an adjustment. One of the ‘restrictions’ he gives is to put the focus on what we avoid ah…. let the friction begin and the tune we play is stress. Either in thought, feeling or action. Saturn creates fear either of change, the unknown, or control. When fear and doubt capture our minds the adjustment is understanding it’s a natural part of the journey. A consultant of risk but it should never be the driver. It's key to understand what is good stress for growth and negative stress and habitual stress.

    Take a step into your executive mind and examine why you are doing what you are doing. What’s your input and output? Why you are feeling a certain way and take responsibility for it. We’ve been taught to move away from discomfort, including taking responsibility for our feelings, thoughts and actions.  It becomes a powerful tool when you connect to your ‘driving force’ and know who is your driver. To know why you are doing what you are doing. Why you may be sacrificing or need to to gain the desired effect. If it's a ‘negative habit’ or habitual stress look inside and see what the undercurrent of your motivation is to repeat an action or relationship what is the gain you are hunting? Unpack it -just don't ruminate. Check and see if the action and reaction are appropriate steps to reach your target. Then return your focus and flow back to your value statement your ‘’engine’’ and simply adjust, and change the driver and the gear.

  3. Feeling alone- Saturn is an isolating planet. The first lesson of isolation acts as a guide for us all to make decisions that are best for us. In isolation, we can receive a medicine teaching us to learn to live for ourselves and think for ourselves. To come into harmony with the self. Saturn teaches us the discernment of navigating through discomfort to reclaim our power and potential.  When we take full responsibility for ourselves it automatically turns into self-love and self-trust. Developing an enduring self-trust within ourselves that no matter what comes our way we can show up fully. Generating more freedom, naturalness, creativity and spaciousness. This turns into establishing better relationships and opens the door to connectedness.

  4. Celebrate your wins acknowledge what is working and activate this conscious communication with yourself at least three times daily, write down or state aloud what you are grateful for and what is working. What we focus on expands. What we serve grows. Saturn activates prosperity and flow to what is real and true. For each one of us, it’s unique. Make it personal and embody the feeling. Saturn is the foundation we stand on that can be taken with us. Find your gratitude and feel it.

  5. Lean into your practice-  Saturn is the longevity of each of us he measures time through the breath. Saturn rules our breath. In this year of the 8 Saturn dominates the the pranic force of us. The vitality we plant, claim and command. Saturn is seated in the very center of our hearts. The more devoted we become to the pranic vitality linked to our hearts and breath the more we are supported in our journey of life. Saturn also rules the muscles in our body- what we build through confronting resistance. Breathe with consciousness and move with consciousness. Laugh as much as possible. Saturn is actually the Comedian of the planets. Many of the great comedians are Saturn-dominant persons.

  6. Service- Saturn is linked to ‘‘the people ‘‘ and loves the underserved and underprivileged.. A great teaching I received many years back when in a period of deep pain was ‘‘serve those who are suffering more than you’’. What a great gift. This helps us to get out of our own pain our own UNIverse and brings the gift of joy connection in helping others getting out of the ‘‘I’’ into the ‘‘We’’ is where we gain the most.

It is my wish that giving you insight may help you to understand your ‘’lessons from Saturn’’ and how he is asking you to turn it around and change your karma by living in your dharma of naturalness, your heart, and your wisdom, compassion, connected and directed.

Sending you much love and infinite blessings

Siri Prakash

Eclipses Season is just around the corner opening pathways to great changes and opportunities. Book a reading to gain insight into what lies ahead and identify the challenges that may arise and the gifts that await you.