What Awakens You? The Taurus New Moon

The first New Moon after the eclipse takes us into the territory of our earthly experience, with our feet rooted into the ground and our inner fire calling out to the heavens. Ablaze with clarity of what is right for us, bravely setting ourselves apart from the past by coming into our Presence.

Occurring at 4° in the sign of Taurus, where we create our stability, gather wealth, things we value and treasure, our sensual pleasures, where we ground things in quite literally, and where we can lock horns.

Kritika Nakshatra, ruled by lord Agni, is the fire that seeks clarity and expression. A fire that acts as a mediator between the heavens and earth. Kritikka Nakshatra symbols are sharp objects that pierce or cut, that require skill and responsibility in handling. Kritika in Vimsotri is ruled by the Sun. The Sun lives according to its nature, It sets the path and marks the time with consistency and steadiness. It takes no orders and never adjusts. It simply leads itself rhythmically, with confidence and clarity.

The New Moon cycle sets us on a path of coming into our inner authority and security, knowing that whatever we need will be there for us. The confidence in establishing a living relationship with the source within us, and to live according to our own nature and values.

The merging of the Sun and the Moon under Lord Agni's domain illuminates where we need to be more precise, deliberate, and consistent. To be responsible for who we are and what we want to become. This is what defines us. Following this path, we instinctively know what should be stripped down, and left behind to make us feel lighter and more agile. In following our own path we naturally activate our radiance of clarity, courage, and confidence to overcome. Knowing what we value and hold dear as the target.

Venus, the ruler of Taurus, now second from the new Moon, in the sign of Gemini emphasizes relationship values, the will and a desire to love ourselves by realizing ourselves. To cultivate more of the things we love in life with ease, by simply aligning with our nature. Venus in Gemini activates with grace a connection through expression and communication readily available to solve problems.

At the time of the new Moon, Mercury and Saturn are in a deep conversation at 12° highlighting logical execution and decisions, working to find the way through it. It favours technical work, mental work that requires precision. Working on improving your skills and focusing on what needs to be honed in, what skill or application you need to improve and help you maneuver through the area you want to have more effectiveness and impact on. If you have habits you want to break, this is a good cycle to do it. It is also an excellent cycle to take up new studies.

The new Moon will also mark the celebration of Saturn Jayanti, the birth of Saturn, the 'Lord of Karma' and the teacher of life's most important lessons. The New Moon is an opportunity to shine a healing light on whatever you feel bound to and release it with your new Moon ritual practice.

There is a certain kind of person who doesn’t wait for greatness - they make it.

I wish you an illuminated new Moon cycle.


Merge yourself with the newness of life and cycles, it's a great time to book a reading and get in in tune with your unique cycles