The Great Solar Eclipse on April 8th in Pisces

April 8th marks the Vedic astronomical new year, when we cast the world chart the year ahead to see the karmic trends and fated events.

This year’s chart is led by an eclipse in the birth star of Saturn indicating major changes. A precarious place with a shadow in the forefront.

Joined with the eclipse is Venus the planet of convenience, comfort, and relationships and a retrograde Mercury the planet of exchange in the gandanta zone activating natural disasters. Mars and Saturn 12th from the eclipse forming a Yama yoga. The bringing into balance and clearing the slate.

Sitting with our discomfort is a sign of growth, the courage to look at it, own it and change. Where walls fall to the ground. Where we learn how to stand up and walk again. Taking a home in ourselves. Steeped in something universal yet otherworldly.

Gandanta's points hold great power and potential, they are struggles of power dynamics.  The Sun, Moon and Rahu in Revati is the realism of impermanence in the final closing.  Where this eclipse falls in our charts is where we are going to want to hold on to it — tightly — but called to be brave, and open our palm and let it move through us.

This eclipse helps us to redefine what “true wealth” really is in our lives. We want to give energy to our authentic values and focus on life-affirming and harmonious activities.

It's a good time to take things and to slow down to contemplate, meditate and keep it light.

Eclipses are energy-magnified, time magnified. Not ideal for making major decisions, they are ideal for becoming open to your insight and revelations. A resting of your aperture the lens and where you place your focus.

If we don’t change nothing changes.

with much love and infinite blessings

Siri Prakash

It’s a great time to Book a reading to gain insight into the season of change and identify the challenges and opportunities that await you.

Dates to pay attention to:

April 7-9th

April 16th and May 6th

April 20th

May 10th

May 26th.