A New Vision Libra Full Moon in Swati Nakshatra

The energy of independence awakens in the cycle of the Libra Full Moon on April 23rd. A do-your-own thing kind of vibe, heavy on gratitude.

After the tremendous energy of the solar eclipse, we begin to move into a creative principle, knowing that anything is possible when we put our life force into it. A tremendous energy of spirit and miracles.

Held in the energy of Venus the Full Moon sets new emotional boundaries, new definitions of what we want out of life and what we want in our life. What we want to give to life.

Mars now separated from Saturn; the chains are broken. Venus enters Aries the day after the full Moon and Mercury turns direct on the 25th. The energy of light, flow and movement begins to shine with clarifying light.

Jupiter, the planet of gifts, expansion and wisdom is preparing to move into Taurus on May 1st. Focused and expanding our sense of connection and where we need to expand our resources.

This full Moon marks the celebration of Hanuman Jayanti, the birth of Hanuman.

Lord Hanuman symbolises an infinite strength and courage that is within us all. Teaching us that we create miracles by putting our life force and prana 1000% in. We too can reach the Sun and move mountains.

with much love and infinite blessings

Siri Prakash

Book a reading with me and discover what the great giver of gifts and boons, Lord Jupiter, has in store for you for the next 12 months!